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“Nine months spent preparing to fall in love for a lifetime”

A beautiful time where you and your family are preparing for your hearts to grow in a capacity you never dreamed possible. You marvel at how incredible your body is, growing and sustaining new life. You feel the little kicks, the movements, you hear the heart beat. You dream of all the possibilities for this new little person that you haven’t even met yet.

9 months. That 9 months can sometimes feel like a lifetime. But it’s fleeting. And believe it or not, you’ll miss it. Capture it while you can – not just for yourself, but to one day show that baby how lovely he or she was before they were even born.

Have more questions? Have a look at my FAQ or contact me here.

Maternity Session Pricing

I offer both standard and premium photography packages to my maternity clients.

Combined newborn and maternity packages attract a 15% discount (on the newborn package). 


1. The Standard Package $350

- 45min natural light (outdoor) session

- One location within 20km radius of Fremantle

- Package includes 25 edited images

- Images supplied by digital download


Optional extras:

 - Additional images: $25ea

- Images supplied on A-grade USB: $20

- Travel beyond 20km radius of Fremantle: Please contact me


2. The Premium Package $530

- 60-90min natural light (outdoor) session

- Up to two nearby locations, within 20km radius of Fremantle

- Package includes all images (minimum 40)

- Images supplied by digital download


Optional extras:

- Images supplied on A-grade USB: $20


3. The Third Option....

Didn't find the right package but feel sure that my photography is for you? Shoot me through an email and we'll tailor something to your needs!

© 2020 Janine Harvey Photography

Perth, Western Australia

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